31 implicit double precision(a-h,o-z)
34 real*4 zrec1(200049),factor
35 equivalence(hrec1(1),zrec1(1))
40 write(6,*)
'program gscale' 43 3
'Enter input file: ',$)
46 open(lin1,file=fname,status=
49 4
'Enter scale factor:',$)
53 2
'Enter output file: ',$)
55 open(lout,file=fname,status=
57 read(lin1) glamn1,glomn1,dgla1,dglo1,nla1,nlo1,ikind1
58 write(lout) glamn1,glomn1,dgla1,dglo1,nla1,nlo1,ikind1
62 read (lin1) (hrec1(i),i=1,nlo1)
64 11 hrec1(i)=nint(hrec1(i)*factor)
65 10
write(lout) (hrec1(i),i=1,nlo1)
68 read (lin1) (zrec1(i),i=1,nlo1)
70 21 zrec1(i)=zrec1(i)*factor
71 20
write(lout) (zrec1(i),i=1,nlo1)
program gscale
Part of the NADCON5 NADCON5 Core Library , Scales a grid by a factor.