NADCON5-ng  0.0.2
NADCON5 Next Generation Documentation
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 c> \ingroup core
2 c> \if MANPAGE
3 c> \page bilin
4 c> \endif
5 c>
6 c> Subroutine to perform bilinear interpolation
7 c>
8 c> Performs a bilinear interpolation
9 c> at location `xla,xlo` off of grid `data`, whose
10 c> header information is the standard `.b` header
11 c> information
12 c>
13 c> \param[in] data Input Data assumed to be real*4
14 c> \param[in] glamn minimum latitude (real*8 decimal degrees) `*.b`
15 c> \param[in] glomn minimum longitude (real*8 decimal degrees) `*.b`
16 c> \param[in] dla latitude spacing (real*8 decimal degrees) `*.b`
17 c> \param[in] dlo longitude spacing (real*8 decimal degrees) `*.b`
18 c> \param[in] nla number of lat rows (integer*4) `*.b`
19 c> \param[in] nlo number of lon cols (integer*4) `*.b`
20 c> \param[in] maxla actual dimensioned size of "data" in rows `*.b`
21 c> \param[in] maxlo actual dimensioned size of "data" in cols `*.b`
22 c> \param[in] xla lat of pt for interpolation (real*8 dec. def)
23 c> \param[in] xlo lon of pt for interpolation (real*8 dec. def)
24 c> \param[out] val interpolated value (real*8)
25  subroutine bilin(data,glamn,glomn,dla,dlo,
26  *nla,nlo,maxla,maxlo,xla,xlo,val)
27 c - Subroutine to perform a bilinear interpolation
28 c - at location "xla,xlo" off of grid "data", whose
29 c - header information is the standard ".b" header
30 c - information of
31 c - glamn = minimum latitude (real*8 decimal degrees)
32 c - glomn = minimum longitude (real*8 decimal degrees)
33 c - dla = latitude spacing (real*8 decimal degrees)
34 c - dlo = longitude spacing (real*8 decimal degrees)
35 c - nla = number of lat rows (integer*4)
36 c - nlo = number of lon cols (integer*4)
37 c - maxla = actual dimensioned size of "data" in rows
38 c - maxlo = actual dimensioned size of "data" in cols
40 c - data is assumed real*4
41  implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
42  real*4 data(maxla,maxlo)
43  logical onedlat,onedlon
45 c - HACK
46 c do 8787 i=1,nla
47 c do 8788 j=1,nlo
48 c write(6,8789)i,j,data(i,j)
49 c8788 continue
50 c8787 continue
51 c8789 format(i5,1x,i5,1x,f20.10)
53 c - Find the row of xla
54  difla = (xla - glamn)
55  ratla = difla / dla
56  ila = int(ratla)+1
57  gla0 = glamn + (ila-1)*dla
59 c - Find the col of xlo
60  diflo = (xlo - glomn)
61  ratlo = diflo / dlo
62  ilo = int(ratlo)+1
63  glo0 = glomn + (ilo-1)*dlo
66 c - Do the interpolation.
67  t=(xlo-glo0)/dlo
68  u=(xla-gla0)/dla
70  val = (1.d0-t)*(1.d0-u)*data(ila ,ilo )
71  * + ( t)*(1.d0-u)*data(ila ,ilo+1)
72  * + ( t)*( u)*data(ila+1,ilo+1)
73  * + (1.d0-t)*( u)*data(ila+1,ilo )
75 c - HACK
76  return
77  write(6,198)xla,xlo
78  write(6,200)ila,ilo,gla0,glo0
79  write(6,199)xla-gla0,xlo-glo0
80  write(6,201)ila,ilo,gla0,glo0,
81  *data(ila,ilo)
82  write(6,201)ila,ilo+1,gla0,glo0+dlo,
83  *data(ila,ilo+1)
84  write(6,201)ila+1,ilo,gla0+dla,glo0,
85  *data(ila+1,ilo)
86  write(6,201)ila+1,ilo+1,gla0+dla,glo0+dlo,
87  *data(ila+1,ilo+1)
88  write(6,202)'SW',(1.d0-t)*(1.d0-u)
89  write(6,202)'SE',( t)*(1.d0-u)
90  write(6,202)'NW',( t)*( u)
91  write(6,202)'NE',(1.d0-t)*( u)
92  202 format(
93  *'Weight to ',a,' corner = ',f20.15)
95  198 format(
96  *6x,'bilin.f: lat/lon = ',f10.6,1x,f10.6)
97  199 format(
98  *6x,'bilin.f: diff from SW corner of cell = ',f10.6,1x,f10.6)
99  200 format(
100  *6x,'bilin.f: SW corner: ',i6,1x,i6,1x,f10.6,1x,f10.6)
101  201 format(
102  *6x,2(i6,1x),2(f10.6,1x),f20.15)
105 c write(6,801)xla,xlo,ila,ilo,gla0,glo0,t,u,val
106  801 format(f15.8,1x,f15.8,1x,i6,1x,i6,1x,
107  *f15.8,1x,f15.8,1x,f8.6,1x,f8.6,1x,f20.10)
109 c write(6,802)data(ila ,ilo ),
110 c *data(ila ,ilo+1),data(ila+1,ilo+1),
111 c *data(ila+1,ilo )
112  802 format(4(f15.8,1x))
114  return
115  end
subroutine bilin(data, glamn, glomn, dla, dlo, nla, nlo, maxla, maxlo, xla, xlo, val)
Subroutine to perform bilinear interpolation.
Definition: bilin.f:27