NADCON5-ng  0.0.1
NADCON5 Next Generation
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 c> \ingroup core
2 c> Subroutine to return the magnitude of a double precision
3 c> value.
4 c>
5 c> \param[out] x result, magnitude of ix
6 c> \param[in] ix input douple precision
7 c>
8  subroutine getmag(x,ix)
9 c - Subroutine to return the magnitude of a double precision
10 c - value.
11  implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
12  y = dlog10(x)
13  ix = floor(y)
14  write(6,*) ' getmag: x,y,ix = ',x,y,ix
15  return
16  end
subroutine getmag(x, ix)
Subroutine to return the magnitude of a double precision value.
Definition: getmag.f:9